Monday, May 30, 2022

 i saw a documentary about sean scully and i was lukewarm but then i thought he's not bad and i like that he has a simple plan and it's a warm grid he does again and again and initially no one wanted it but now i think he's totally set for life and he's my age making large paintings and babies. but then bono sings at the end and i think of baby bush who slaughtered people and then started painting and laughing about invading iraq. oh, because i saw a picture of bono and baby bush hugging and mugging. i didn't like the song anyway, it was schmaltz. i thought about artists that don't evince any connection to the planet of suffering and that's ok because they might create a visual space of sanctuary where in the world there's very little except for the people who can buy one, who may be same ones who create hell for others but i digress. in the shower i had something simple and profound to say that was like a dream that drained away.

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