Saturday, November 26, 2016

a grim, ruddy face, large head fellow with a trim charcoal poodle says, is your dog gonna attack my dog? my mouth said, no, my dog is good, my dog would not be off the leash if he was bad. while my brain was yelling, fool, can't you use your better judgement and your eyes to see? would i let my dog attack your dog so he could be put down by the dog police? have a little respect for my, and my dog's intelligence. well, your dog is supposed to be on a leash. my mouth says, i care not what you say, and, copp, stay away, he's an asshole. my brain is in complete accord.

what is our story? no story that i know. that's our story. what. no story?

 it's a long way to go, with no story.

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