Saturday, November 21, 2015

when people say america, which one? bob dylan's or barack obama's? 

there's no alternative to stupidity. cretinism is the mother of fascism. i have no defense against it, really..

it isn't the lies they tell, it's the quality of the lies that becomes so humiliating. they've stopped caring even about that. it's all a play.. i don't live in the united states, but when i'm here, i begin to feel my head is in a grinder- my brains are being scrambled by the language they're using. outside, it's not so hard to understand because people know the score. but here, so many people seem to swallow the propaganda so obediently. 

all we seem to be  left with now is paranoid gibberish about a War on Terror whose sole purpose is to expand the War, increase the Terror, and obfuscate the fact that the wars of today are not aberrations but systematic, logical exercises to preserve a way of life whose delicate pleasures and exquisite comforts can only be delivered to the chosen few by a continuous protracted war for hegemony- Lifestyle Wars.

arundhati roy,  talking with john cusack

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