Tuesday, November 24, 2015

i walked somewhat casually to the beach and round the point thinking the evil copp was on an afternoon reconnaissance but camille's mom says no, she harrasees her in the morning, so i relaxed without reason, but the evil one didn't show. then we talked with buddy the beagle who has been aggressive but buudy's mom and me and copp all sat together by the squirerel hollow tree and talked about the cop harassing us in the park while crime ensues in our neighborhood. she and i live near obomba, where several murders have occured in recent months. then i met elenore who said i should the cop's badge number and she will do something, but i had assumed because i was off leash i had no rights and the cop could not only lay hands on me but actually take me and my dog in for being unleashed without i.d. so next time i will attach the long black lead and apprioach Her, asking for her badge number. or maybe not, i don't know.

i had all this verbiage about the police state expanding in the homeland as the terror state expands in the occupied zones, but what is salient here is one adorably woebegone fellow traveler who has lost seven teeth and has a sty in his eye.
and coming to fen i already felt broken in spirit by that evil little bitch cop so when i saw his suffering my own was redoubled. shit we're both old and gone in the teeth. but he doesn't dread the police state at least, nor drone on about his pain and suffering.
i was so fucking despondent from that idiot cop, but today i think hey my spirit is unbroken, it can't be broke so easy by one asshole, i've survived many bullies in this life. but when you got a huge cone on it is difficult to suffer with grace.
i've had a lifelong depression but i don't think the dogs are depressed by it. of course they probably prefer me in joyful spirits.
no one should feel a failure, nor be debilitated by depression. this is america.
ok, let's deal with whatever comes our way.
today is a brand new day.

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