Sunday, March 15, 2015

most things i think are gone. into landscape. i was preoccupied with the bitch on the playground who said it's not a good thing to play in the park with your dogs. every few minutes i was telling to fuck off and sending her to some high chemical cloud to ruminate on existence. i woke from thinking about a series of pictures and captions of comet and hil i was arranging in my sleep to discover they didnt exist and my mind was tricking me to wake up and drain my lizard but i was disappointed the pictures didn't exist even though they were banal, it was more about the sentiment. in the blog entry of sleepytime the captions were actually disappearing into landscape and i thought, that is well, that's good they have served, and then hid from the self-satisfied bitchy judges in the neighborhood who want us leashed and disallowed vital freedom, who want us gone.


becky says copp's really needy these days, and she likes it, but wonders what it means emotionally. i think he just gets sweeter by the day.

i don't know what a boonemobile is, and it booked before i could ask, and i didn't see anyone inside. but i though why would you want to put yourself in a cruise missile on such a nice day.

the beaver lodge on the dead lagoon smelled redolent of musky life and death. this beaver may have been recently gnawed. i saw a fresh scat just near.

we found two of these stupid signs in the mud at the bottom of the dead lagoon. it cranks me when idiots say dogs don't mix with nature. they're far more natural than humans who only destroy nature and position themselves as the masters of nature as well as the masters of war.

i gotta wave my hands like a loony but when he sees me his face relaxes and he comes directly.

in open produce kermit the frog was singing rubber ducky and every time he gave a squeeze copp looked around for duck.

when we got on the elevator barney got off and stood by his door. then copp started getting off but a couple held him and i got barney back on. maybe it was too crowded and he just thought, ah fuck it.

what does it mean? nothin, copp, it's gibberish.

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