Wednesday, March 25, 2015

i'm too full of fear. i've had nearly all my instinct leeched out of me by civilization. that's how they control us. we have fear and no instinct, we fall for lies and propaganda and always we live in fear.
but if fear and instinct are separated, and we are separated from nature, how can we regain natural instinct?
all i know is to improvise, to question, to think critically, to admit i might look stupid if i don't know, but admit i don't know, but to not believe what the rulers want us to believe because it profits them and keeps us down.
because it could not be more clear the powerful don't care about us, only our bind unquestioning support, our taxes, our silence, and now less even for our bodies as cannon fodder, because they have drones that can do the killing of many soldiers.
so ergo sum fen i say fuck the military fuck the government, and up with socialist dogs, can you dig me?
i guess soo, i'm not really po-litical, i was just trine to go home and you said let's go this way and then you picked me up and started talk talk and picture pictures thas all.
i know, i know, mea culpa dude-sicle, i just needed a soapbox, it's rude of me to implicate you.
ah, don't worry, the sun is shining and you're carrying me, and sometimes you don't talk, and you always give me treats, without fail, and extra for posing.
oh yeah, i do, don't i, heh-heh, so you really don't mind?
hell no! it's a dog's life! heh-heh. come on jerkey boy, let's go home.
ha ha, you little rascal, remind me always to give you the last word.
i'll remind you.. and what's more, you'll listen..
(this is the point he paws my lens and i say, ok fen, i get it, nuff said.)
really, nuff said.

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