Thursday, March 12, 2015

aliens at my brain.

apple mantra.

solar egg

blue sentinals

copp in a bottle.

a bostonian sneeze.

why do i chase the crow. i never ask that question, but i'll try to answer it. i chase the crow because the crow taunts me. i chase the crow moreover because he flies.

 hershey immerses himself in the fading islands of snow. island hopping his way to spring and swim.
i would like to say it was aliens, but no it's just us.

it hardly matters if nothing is real. we would still make movies about rogue governments and other blood sucking aliens.

but it's indubitably obvious to even the most casual of observers that enemies are aliens and aliens are enemies.

i think much of dog behavior, and misbehavior, is due to geomagnetic disturbances created by HAARP.

wait.. i thought HAARP was a hoax!

you betcha it's a hoax.

why do i chase the crow? i honestly don't know.

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