Thursday, December 11, 2014

i hope that loon girl is alright. i hope barney is alright. i know he's got to go soon, i mean you don't really go right you just cease, but maybe changing form if only ashes. maybe i'll put some in a pocket of wind on the promontory that's collapsing. remember when i put tippy's ashes in one of those gps search capsules? i wonder what became of that.

copp loves a funny bunny

nuff rope

if i sed it once i sed it a gazillion times, it's a sick, sick culture. or is it. is it a culture? or is it just war.

we kill for money and the freedom to kill.

hey, man, are you ok?

spontaneous generation at the tunnel

democrisy is a piss up a rope

nuff hope

Punk Window, by Squire L.

support our stormtroopers 

the only solution to the environment is neglect, which requires our collapse. i think that has been said yesterday and it's still as true and futile today. and about the only thing i retain from area x, which was six hundred fucking pages.

there is no cease of fire but there is an accord though not in maggie daley park. control from the grave, now that's firepower. obomba will have that power too, his legacy will die on.

war family

a war cult is not a culture people

you can't be sane in an insane world so let go and get high, and smile illegally at the warmongers, yeah baby.

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