Monday, October 20, 2014

copp and moby skeleton. this is the first sculpture to plop down that i like, and it has plastic bottles, which copp likes. though it's a sad giant, a beached memorial. once i came upon a live beached whale, and as it was dying held it's tail. it hurt so  watch the final thrashing circle.

when the sky darkened the leaflight brightened

emigrant from the enchanted forest 

there is a comfort in seeing the same things over time even as they slowly subside. 

every, every thing is new

i love you treats

hip alley

happy birthday sister of mine

from the hip alley

the plants quietly emanating feelings copp feels. the plants feel copp gazing, smelling, wafting through.

i was so terribly nervous with my father

we're happy to report no sightings of the dwarf poisoner levy

i'm not sure at all of precedent

i gave my sister two spiral beeswax candles

and it's a comfort i don't know why

my mom used to send me pixtures of swamp tree vulvas

copp arcade

the one the only the unlonely

mister orange arcade

paz plays the cello


i think this my best pee shot yet

it was a mistake (sauvage)

signs of human violence,

signs settling, appealing.  act become intention. receding.

the absence of the poisoner is the presence of life

in the absence of the poisoner we get the feeling our striving is not in vain, and is likening to joy.

oh the hip, oh the unexplored alley

the nature of compromise renews us or does that sound fey

i swear i will get it right it will be funny to someone i never know

there's a sharpness or softness unbidden. i leave it or i sharpen it or i delete it it varies

how many times, don't cry. i want to cry, i learn to cry, it feels good, so good, my eyes were dry.

they draw my eyes i don't know why i'm looking as though i hadn't a camera and weren't photographing if i'm lucky they 

echo feelings i forgot to have

sees dancing spirits come down everywhere

call him three

for nick drake  


oh to be back here

my love forms trees

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