Wednesday, March 26, 2014

three white copps

hey, america still kicks ass.

disaster capitalism, well, what more can be said, actually a hell of a lot, the moronic repetition of it is getting excruciatingly boring. let's bury the friedman mafia and restore the planet.

dissent after you make your pile

fairy tales of freedom more grim than dis

stop the war. opt out. i shall not want. please join me. 

milton friedman is a terrorist. he's dead. i knew that.

mister negative

our time in time

propagate propaganda of dissent.

the school of torture 

sheik yerbouti

shock and awe

we all fall

do the evil haters believe in themselves?

the national interest of the ruling class, law of buy and kill. 
the weather has little to do with the weather but far more than the news with the news

shock and awe began with the illustrious chicago nobel peace prize thug milton freedman and awe shucks yuck- yucked by baby bush it may be reaching it's apocalypse with the suave and erudite obomba.


the wavemaster

you can't resist.

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