Friday, May 31, 2019

head to tail.

We interact with an infinity of objects from birth to the grave.

Over time our ‘belongings’ become more steeped and resonant with memory and nostalgia.

In many ways, personal objects express aspects of who we are – our identity: our values: our statements and choices.

The passages of time through which we exist become defined by the objects with which we interact.

The artefacts contained within the earthen mound — partially buried — partially excavated — have all played a part in my life.

I have had a special connection to each item presented — a connection that has been hard to relinquish.

In time, we will all disappear from this earth.

This is our destiny.

What will we leave behind? Who will remember us — and for how long?

The mound is a glorious metaphor for the ultimate conclusion of all material manifestations.

We cling — consciously or unconsciously to ‘things’ that are endowed with emotional significance — keeping memories alive, while the uncomfortable awareness of the inevitable moment of departure is held at bay. 

annie lennox

* this is what reminded me of a show i saw long ago of a mother's apartment replaced in a gallery along with the artist's childhood room, as i recall. r. said my studio is like a museum of collected objects, and i've thought how moving so much as a kid conditioned my collecting as a groanup. 

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