Sunday, May 26, 2019

cooper and copper.
this has nothing much to do with them, but i just saw the toynbee tiler documentary. it's not that fascinating in the end, the tiler stays hidden, and has nothing much to say. he says some stuff about resurrecting the dead on jupiter and killing all journalists. some connection between arnold toynbee and kubrick's 2001 and bringing dead molecules back to life as people, which i often think is what people are already. reconstituted dead molecules animated but moribund between life and death. maybe that's why as a species the death drive is so strong, and suicide rising. molecules want to rest. molecules get tired of the suspense and the futility of human progress. i feel like i saw one of these tiles here or in philly. it's in my memory. the strangest aspect is the longevity of this project. the guy started dropping these tiles on the asphalt in several cities in the 80's. mostly the same message over and over. is he really thinking he's furthering progress toward resurrection of dead earthlings on jupiter? he doesn't seem to change, it seems like a great fixation that grows more mysterious just by dogged persistence. i wish kubrick was alive to comment, and toynbee. maybe i'll look into toynbee. 
i don't have any theory, maybe science will launch us into a new existence on another planet when we succeed in making earth a dead zone. would we fuck up again? likely. science and technology evolve but our brains seem to be in a desperate soul sucking rut.

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