Sunday, January 31, 2016

have you tried Skullcap? it's potentially sublime.

i made some improvements, but i let a lot of things go.

i read about violent autonomy in that memoir of insanity. granny rose had that too.

have you seen my mom?

                                                                            ah, the glorious absurdity of life.
is tenable like, sustainable? life's not sustainable, and the system sure ain't tenable, yet it sustains. the ruling class.

the state will wage the final battle with an army of drones and slaves.

people of conscience need to stand up to state terror in our name.

we are not looking for a leader to rule us. we are looking for a conscience.

but again and again we give our freedom and our democracy to state control. we give our children to death squads.

and who is this democracy and freedom for? the poor and the underpriveleged. the rich don't want freedom. they're already free.  The Square.

what's the norm in a country committed to making endless wars? war is the norm.

we live from crisis to crisis now. what can be done.

i got copp an antler today at S.H.o.P. but i kept it for myself.

i say immortality tongue in cheek so as not to tempt fate.     noam chompsky

i dont know nuthin but i'm on the trail to find out.

say, i'm just the dogwalker, i don't have to be rational do i.

how can we unlock the misteries in the mind of dog? it's simple, i can't tell you.

chicago tribunal says small group of police costs the city millions. it's not a small group of cops. it's the whole force. it's the whole force of abuse, coverup, and impunity.

i am apolitical, still humor is the only thing that saves politics from just being a bleak dark nightmare. and clintun's a whackjob.

yeah but she aint funny.

today was a totally normal day despite being 50 degrees above normal.

what is normal?

met two african sloogies (sp) a cousin to egyptian salukis, my alma mater dog. bootiful.

my felt lock on copp's head why.

saw one cop from the tunnel, detoured to beach, saw two cops circling evilly. played well unharrassed.

i feel sane with you. the camera may be the right thing. i have a certain unconscious deliberation you may call dumb luck or instinct.

on reading A Shutter of Snow. i avoided because it was about insanity. i put it aside for another memoir about insanity. i decide i am a curious admixture of sanity and insanity and try to use my insanity to benefit dogkind.

should i use my new cheapass camera or return it? such grief over simple things. i know it ain't no crisis.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

i called my mom this morning. i said, do you think i'm sane, or insane? she laughed.

you are definitely sane, she said. so there. but what's a mom going to say? i didn't make no insane baby. anyway i know the distinction is immaterial, there are no boundaries, the sane and insane blur and combine, there's a synergy there i can utilize. and my insane/sane modus reflects well on my mom. but that's just me.

this i'll miss, snug as a bug in a rug in the basement with mister.
after i'm gone.

i just wonder what my magnum opus will be.

if i could create someone like mister, that would be my magnum opus. i'd be so proud. i see why people have kids. but what if they turn out rank and file or just plain dumb? i'm just sayin'.

is there a minim opus?

now the crisis is over and confusion subsided and i'm miss my best friend.
there's no safety, and only vulnerability, but the dog, pure faith abiding, who will stay til death if he can.
i never planned, i just floated, but when i see how the planners fail, i see the wisdom in just winging it. and i floated here.

if i ever lose sight of reality on the ground you will inform me, right?

well kids, i'm returned home, to my insane nest, and everything is back to normal.
crisis? what crisis?

Friday, January 29, 2016

i see myself as a man like him, he sees himself as a dog like me.

i been in a lifelong spiritual exile. this place is exceeding strange.